"""This module contains all HeteroCL APIs"""
#pylint: disable=no-member
import numbers
from ordered_set import OrderedSet
from .tvm.build_module import build as _build, lower as _lower
from .tvm.api import convert, _IterVar
from .tvm import _api_internal as tvm_api
from .tvm import schedule as _schedule
from .tvm import call_intrin
from .tvm import expr as _expr, stmt as _stmt, make as _make
from .tensor import Scalar, Tensor, TensorSlice
from .schedule import Stage, Schedule
from .scheme import Scheme
from . import util
from . import types
from . import config
[docs]def init(init_dtype="int32"):
"""Initialize a HeteroCL environment with configurations.
This API must be called each time the users write an application.
Within the same HeteroCL environment, users can try different
combinations of customization primitives.
init_dtype : Type, optional
The default data type for each variables
.. code-block:: python
# app 1
A = hcl.placeholder(...)
B = hcl.placeholder(...)
def app1(A, B):
# define the algorithm for app 1
s = hcl.create_scheme([A, B], app1)
# apply customization primitives
f1 = hcl.build(s)
# execute f1
# app 2 - initialize again with a different data type
A = hcl.placeholder(...)
B = hcl.placeholder(...)
C = hcl.placeholder(...)
def app2(A, B, C):
# define the algorithm for app 2
s = hcl.create_scheme([A, B, C], app2)
f2 = hcl.build(s)
# execute f2
# set the configurations
config.init_dtype = init_dtype
# initialize global variables
Schedule.stage_ops = []
Schedule.last_stages = OrderedSet([])
Scheme.current = None
[docs]def placeholder(shape, name=None, dtype=None):
"""Construct a HeteroCL placeholder for inputs/outputs.
If the shape is an empty tuple, the returned value is a scalar.
shape : tuple
The shape of the placeholder
name : str, optional
The name of the placeholder
dtype : Type, optional
The data type of the placeholder
Scalar or Tensor
.. code-block:: python
# scalar - cannot be updated
a = hcl.placeholder((), "a")
# 1-dimensional tensor - can be updated
A = hcl.placeholder((1,), "A")
name = util.get_name("placeholder", name)
dtype = util.get_dtype(dtype)
tvm_dtype = types.dtype_to_str(dtype)
if shape == ():
return Scalar(tvm_api._Var(name, tvm_dtype))
tensor = Tensor(shape, dtype, name)
tensor.tensor = tvm_api._Placeholder(tensor.buf.shape, tvm_dtype, name)
# placeholder is also a stage
stage = Stage(name)
stage._op = tensor.tensor
stage._buf = tensor._buf
tensor.first_update = stage
tensor.last_update = stage
return tensor
[docs]def create_scheme(inputs, func):
"""Create a quantization scheme.
The first argument is a list of inputs to the second argument, which is a
function the defines the algorithm. The numbers of arguments should match.
The function will be set with attributes for later optimizations. This
API returns an object that has two methods: `quantize` and `downsize`.
inputs : Tensor or list of Tensor
A list of placeholders that are inputs to the algorithm. It can be a
single tensor
func : callable
A function that defines the algorithm
See Also
scheme.Scheme.downsize, scheme.Scheme.quantize
.. code-block:: python
A = hcl.placeholder((10,))
def algo(A):
return hcl.compute(A.shape, lambda x: A[x]+1, "B")
s = hcl.create_scheme(A, algo)
s.downsize(algo.B, hcl.Int(8))
if not isinstance(inputs, list):
inputs = [inputs]
with Stage("_top") as top:
for op in top.substages:
func.__setattr__(op.name, op)
return Scheme(inputs, func)
[docs]def create_schedule(inputs, func=None):
"""Create a schedule for compute optimizations.
The first argument is a list of inputs to the second argument, which is a
function the defines the algorithm. The numbers of arguments should match.
The function will be set with attributes for later optimizations.
inputs : Tensor or list of Tensor
A list of placeholders that are inputs to the algorithm. It can be a
single tensor
func : callable, optional
A function that defines the algorithm
See Also
create_scheme, create_schedule_from_scheme
If the function is not provided, we can also create a schedule. However,
users cannot create a quantization scheme anymore. We strongly recommend
users to provide the function.
.. code-block:: python
# example 1 - normal usage
A = hcl.placeholder((10,))
def algo(A):
return hcl.compute(A.shape, lambda x: A[x]+1, "B")
s = hcl.create_schedule(A, algo)
# example 2 - no function is provided
A = hcl.placeholder((10,))
B = hcl.compute(A.shape, lambda x: A[x]+1)
s = hcl.create_schedule(A)
if not isinstance(inputs, list):
inputs = [inputs]
if func is not None:
# reset the global variables
Schedule.stage_ops = []
Schedule.last_stages = OrderedSet([])
# execute the algorithm
with Stage("_top") as top:
ret = func(*inputs)
# append the output tensors to the input list
if ret is not None:
if isinstance(ret, tuple):
inputs += list(ret)
# let each stage be an attribute of the function
for op in top.substages:
#op = stage._op
func.__setattr__(op.name, op)
t = Schedule.last_stages
ops = [t_._op.op for t_ in t]
return Schedule(_schedule.create_schedule(ops), inputs)
[docs]def create_schedule_from_scheme(scheme):
"""Create a schedule from a scheme.
scheme : Scheme
The quantization scheme that will be applied to the compute schedule
See Also
create_schedule, create_scheme
.. code-block:: python
A = hcl.placeholder((10,))
def algo(A):
return hcl.compute(A.shape, lambda x: A[x]+1, "B")
sm = hcl.create_scheme(A, algo)
sl = hcl.create_schedule_from_scheme(sm)
Scheme.current = scheme
# reset the values of each tensor
for i in scheme.inputs:
if isinstance(i, Tensor):
i.var_dict = {}
i.last_update = i.first_update
return create_schedule(scheme.inputs, scheme.func)
[docs]def lower(schedule):
"""Get the generated IR of a given schedule.
schedule : Schedule
The schedule that will be used to generate the IR
new_inputs = []
for i in schedule.inputs:
if isinstance(i, Tensor):
elif isinstance(i, Stage):
return _lower(schedule.sch, new_inputs, simple_mode=True)
[docs]def build(schedule, target=None, name="default_function", stmt=None):
"""Build the executable according to the schedule and target.
The default target is `llvm` (i.e., CPU execution). If stmt is specified,
the statements created by HeteroCL APIs will be ignored.
schedule : Schedule
The schedule to be built
target : str, optional
The target of the executable
name : str, optional
The name of the generated function
stmt : Stmt, optional
The built statement
new_inputs = []
for i in schedule.inputs:
if isinstance(i, Tensor):
if stmt is not None:
for i in schedule.inputs:
if isinstance(i, Tensor):
shapes = []
for s in i.shape:
tpl = tuple(shapes)
stmt = _make.AttrStmt([i.buf, i.tensor], "buffer_bind_scope",
call_intrin('handle', 'tvm_tuple', *tpl), stmt)
return _build(schedule.sch, new_inputs, target=target, name=name, stmt=stmt)
# Other useful APIs
[docs]def cast(dtype, expr):
"""Cast an expression to specified data type.
dtype : Type
The target data type
expr : Expr
The expression to be cast
dtype = types.dtype_to_str(dtype)
return _make.Cast(dtype, expr)
[docs]def select(cond, true, false):
"""Construct a select branch with the given condition.
It is similar to the following Python expression.
.. code-block:: python
ret = true if cond else false
cond : Expr
The condition
true : Expr
The true branch
false : Expr
The false branch
return _make.Select(convert(cond), convert(true), convert(false))
[docs]def print(vals, format=""):
"""Print a HeteroCL object.
vals : Expr or list of Expr
The values to be printed
format : string, optional
The printing format similar to printf
if not isinstance(vals, (tuple, list)):
vals = [vals]
def get_format(val):
if isinstance(val, (TensorSlice, Scalar, _expr.Expr)):
if (util.get_type(val.dtype)[0] == "int"
or util.get_type(val.dtype)[0] == "uint"):
return "%lld"
return "%f"
elif isinstance(val, int):
return "%d"
elif isinstance(val, float):
return "%f"
def print_tensor(val, ivs, i, ndim):
if i == 0: #inner-most
iv = ivs[ndim-1]
stmt = _make.Print([], "[")
value = val[tuple(ivs)]
body = _make.Print([value], get_format(value))
ite = _make.IfThenElse(iv < iv.dom.extent-1,
_make.Print([], ", "),
body = _make.Block(body, ite)
loop = _make.For(iv.var, iv.dom.min, iv.dom.extent, 0, 0, body)
stmt = _make.Block(stmt, loop)
stmt = _make.Block(stmt, _make.Print([], "]"))
return stmt
iv = ivs[ndim-1-i]
stmt = _make.Print([], "[")
body = print_tensor(val, ivs, i-1, ndim)
ite = _make.IfThenElse(iv < iv.dom.extent-1,
_make.Print([], ",\n"),
body = _make.Block(body, ite)
loop = _make.For(iv.var, iv.dom.min, iv.dom.extent, 0, 0, body)
stmt = _make.Block(stmt, loop)
stmt = _make.Block(stmt, _make.Print([], "]"))
return stmt
def print_val(val):
stage = Stage.get_current()
if isinstance(val, (Scalar, _expr.Expr, numbers.Number)):
stage.emit(_make.Print([val], get_format(val) + "\n"))
elif isinstance(val, TensorSlice) \
and len(val.indices) == len(val.tensor.shape):
stage.emit(_make.Print([val], get_format(val) + "\n"))
else: # we are dealing with tensors
nshape = len(val.tensor.shape)
ndim = nshape
if isinstance(val, TensorSlice):
ndim = nshape - len(val.indices)
args = ["print_"+str(n) for n in range(0, ndim)]
ivs = [_IterVar((0, val.tensor.shape[nshape-n-1]), args[n], 0) \
for n in range(0, ndim)]
import builtins
stage.emit(print_tensor(val, ivs, ndim-1, ndim))
stage.emit(_make.Print([], "\n"))
if format == "":
for val in vals:
stage = Stage.get_current()
stage.emit(_make.Print(vals, format))