"""Compute APIs in HeteroCL"""
#pylint: disable=no-member, redefined-builtin, too-many-arguments, missing-docstring
import numbers
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from .tvm import expr as _expr, stmt as _stmt, make as _make
from .tvm.api import _IterVar, min_value
from .util import get_index, get_name, get_type, get_tvm_dtype, make_for, CastRemover
from .tensor import Scalar, Tensor, TensorSlice
from .types import Struct, dtype_to_str
from .schedule import Stage
from .debug import APIError
from .dsl import if_, for_
from .mutator import Mutator
from .module import Module
# Helper classes and functions
class ReplaceReturn(CastRemover):
"""Replace all Return statement with a Store statement.
buffer_var : Var
The buffer variable of the Store statement
dtype : Type
The data type of the Store statement
index : Expr
The index of the Store statement
def __init__(self, buffer_var, dtype, index):
self.buffer_var = buffer_var
self.dtype = dtype
self.index = index
def mutate_KerenlDef(self, node):
"""Omit the KernelDef statement
We do not need to replace the Return statement inside.
#pylint: disable=no-self-use
return node
def mutate_Return(self, node):
"""Replace the Return statement with a Store statement
return _make.Store(self.buffer_var, _make.Cast(self.dtype, node.value), self.index)
def process_fcompute(fcompute, shape):
"""Pre-process the fcompute field of an API.
# check API correctness
if not callable(fcompute):
raise APIError("The construction rule must be callable")
# prepare the iteration variables
args = [] # list of arguments' names
nargs = 0 # number of arguments
if isinstance(fcompute, Module):
args = fcompute.arg_names
nargs = len(args)
args = list(fcompute.__code__.co_varnames)
nargs = fcompute.__code__.co_argcount
# automatically create argument names
if nargs < len(shape):
for i in range(nargs, len(shape)):
args.append("args" + str(i))
elif nargs > len(shape):
raise APIError("The number of arguments exceeds the number of dimensions")
return args, len(shape)
def compute_body(name,
"""Create a stage and perform the computation.
If `tensor` is `None`, no tensor is returned.
name : str
The name of the stage
lambda_ivs : list of IterVar
A list contains the iteration variables in the lambda function if
fcompute : callable
The computation rule
shape : tuple, optional
The output shape or the iteration domain
dtype : Type, optional
The data type of the output/updated tensor
tensor : Tensor, optional
The tensor to be updated. Create a new one if it is `None`
Tensor or None
var_list = [i.var for i in lambda_ivs]
return_tensor = True if tensor is None else False
with Stage(name, dtype, shape) as stage:
if not return_tensor:
tensor = Tensor(shape, stage._hcl_dtype, name, stage._buf)
buffer_var = tensor._buf.data
dtype = tensor.dtype
shape = tensor.shape
ret = fcompute(*var_list)
for t in stage.lhs_tensors:
t.last_update = stage
stmt = None
if ret is None:
# replace all hcl.return_ with Store stmt
indices = lambda_ivs
index, _, _ = get_index(shape, indices, 0)
stmt = stage.pop_stmt()
stmt = ReplaceReturn(buffer_var, dtype, index).mutate(stmt)
stmt = make_for(indices, stmt, 0)
elif isinstance(ret, (tuple, list)):
indices = lambda_ivs
index, _, _ = get_index(shape, indices, 0)
hcl_dtype = tensor.hcl_dtype
if not isinstance(hcl_dtype, Struct):
raise TensorError("Cannot assign a tuple/list to a non-struct-type tensor")
start = 0
end = 0
for sdtype, expr in zip(hcl_dtype.dtype_dict.values(), ret):
end = start + sdtype.bits
sdtype = dtype_to_str(sdtype)
load = _make.Load(dtype, buffer_var, index)
expr = _make.Cast(sdtype, expr)
if get_type(sdtype) != "uint":
ty = "uint" + str(get_type(sdtype)[1])
expr = _make.Call(ty, "bitcast", [expr], _expr.Call.PureIntrinsic, None, 0)
expr = _make.SetSlice(load, expr, end, start)
_make.Cast(dtype, expr),
start = end
stmt = make_for(indices, stage.pop_stmt(), 0)
elif isinstance(ret, (TensorSlice, Scalar, _expr.Expr, numbers.Number)):
indices = lambda_ivs
index, _, _ = get_index(shape, indices, 0)
stage.emit(_make.Store(buffer_var, _make.Cast(dtype, ret), index))
stmt = make_for(indices, stage.pop_stmt(), 0)
elif isinstance(ret, Tensor): # reduction
ret_ivs = [_IterVar((0, ret.shape[i]), ret.name+"_i" + str(i), 0)
for i in range(0, len(ret.shape))]
non_reduce_ivs = []
indices = []
rid = 0
for iv in lambda_ivs:
if iv.var.name[0] == "_":
rid += 1
if rid != len(ret.shape):
raise APIError("Incorrect number of reduction axes in lambda arguments")
index, _, _ = get_index(shape, indices, 0)
st = _make.Store(buffer_var, _make.Cast(dtype, ret[tuple(ret_ivs)]), index)
stage.emit(make_for(ret_ivs, st, 0))
stmt = stage.pop_stmt()
if non_reduce_ivs:
stmt = make_for(non_reduce_ivs, stmt, 0)
raise APIError("Unknown return type of the computation rule")
# add attributes to the loop
if isinstance(stmt, _stmt.For):
stmt = _make.For(stmt.loop_var,
stmt.min, stmt.extent,
0, 0, stmt.body,
stage.axis_list = indices + stage.axis_list
if return_tensor:
tensor._tensor = stage._op
return tensor
return None
# APIs exposed to users
[docs]def compute(shape, fcompute, name=None, dtype=None, attrs=OrderedDict()):
"""Construct a new tensor based on the shape and the compute function.
The API **returns a new tensor**. The shape must be a tuple. The number of
elements in the tuple decides the dimension of the returned tensor. The
second field `fcompute` defines the construction rule of the returned
tensor, which must be callable. The number of arguments should match the
dimension defined by `shape`, which *we do not check*. This, however,
provides users more programming flexibility.
The compute function specifies how we calculate each element of the
returned tensor. It can contain other HeteroCL APIs, even imperative DSL.
shape : tuple
The shape of the returned tensor
fcompute : callable
The construction rule for the returned tensor
name : str, optional
The name of the returned tensor
dtype : Type, optional
The data type of the placeholder
.. code-block:: python
# example 1.1 - anonymous lambda function
A = hcl.compute((10, 10), lambda x, y: x+y)
# equivalent code
for x in range(0, 10):
for y in range(0, 10):
A[x][y] = x + y
# example 1.2 - explicit function
def addition(x, y):
return x+y
A = hcl.compute((10, 10), addition)
# example 1.3 - imperative function definition
@hcl.def_([(), ()])
def addition(x, y):
A = hcl.compute((10, 10), addition)
# example 2 - undetermined arguments
def compute_tanh(X):
return hcl.compute(X.shape, lambda *args: hcl.tanh(X[args]))
A = hcl.placeholder((10, 10))
B = hcl.placeholder((10, 10, 10))
tA = compute_tanh(A)
tB = compute_tanh(B)
# example 3 - mixed-paradigm programming
def return_max(x, y):
with hcl.if_(x > y):
with hcl.else_:
A = hcl.compute((10, 10), return_max)
# check API correctness
if not isinstance(shape, tuple):
raise APIError("The shape of compute API must be a tuple")
# properties for the returned tensor
shape = CastRemover().mutate(shape)
name = get_name("compute", name)
# prepare the iteration variables
args, nargs = process_fcompute(fcompute, shape)
lambda_ivs = [_IterVar((0, shape[n]), args[n], 0) for n in range(0, nargs)]
# call the helper function that returns a new tensor
tensor = compute_body(name, lambda_ivs, fcompute, shape, dtype, attrs=attrs)
return tensor
[docs]def update(tensor, fcompute, name=None):
"""Update an existing tensor according to the compute function.
This API **update** an existing tensor. Namely, no new tensor is returned.
The shape and data type stay the same after the update. For more details
on `fcompute`, please check :obj:`compute`.
tensor : Tensor
The tensor to be updated
fcompute: callable
The update rule
name : str, optional
The name of the update operation
# properties for the returned tensor
shape = tensor.shape
name = get_name("update", name)
# prepare the iteration variables
args, nargs = process_fcompute(fcompute, shape)
lambda_ivs = [_IterVar((0, shape[n]), args[n], 0) for n in range(0, nargs)]
# call the helper function that updates the tensor
compute_body(name, lambda_ivs, fcompute, tensor=tensor)
[docs]def mutate(domain, fcompute, name=None):
Perform a computation repeatedly in the given mutation domain.
This API allows users to write a loop in a tensorized way, which makes it
easier to exploit the parallelism when performing optimizations. The rules
for the computation function are the same as that of :obj:`compute`.
domain : tuple
The mutation domain
fcompute : callable
The computation function that will be performed repeatedly
name : str, optional
The name of the operation
.. code-block:: python
# this example finds the max two numbers in A and stores it in M
A = hcl.placeholder((10,))
M = hcl.placeholder((2,))
def loop_body(x):
with hcl.if_(A[x] > M[0]):
with hcl.if_(A[x] > M[1]):
M[0] = M[1]
M[1] = A[x]
with hcl.else_():
M[0] = A[x]
hcl.mutate(A.shape, lambda x: loop_body(x))
# check API correctness
if not isinstance(domain, tuple):
raise APIError("The mutation domain must be a tuple")
name = get_name("mutate", name)
# prepare the iteration variables
args, nargs = process_fcompute(fcompute, domain)
indices = [_IterVar((0, domain[n]), args[n], 0) for n in range(0, nargs)]
var_list = [i.var for i in indices]
# perform the computation
with Stage(name) as stage:
body = stage.pop_stmt()
stage.emit(make_for(indices, body, 0))
stage.axis_list = indices + stage.axis_list
[docs]def scalar(init=0, name=None, dtype=None):
"""A syntactic sugar for a single-element tensor.
This is equivalent to ``hcl.compute((1,), lambda x: init, name, dtype)``
init : Expr, optional
The initial value for the returned tensor. The default value is 0.
name : str, optional
The name of the returned tensor
dtype : Type, optional
The data type of the placeholder
name = get_name("scalar", name)
return compute((1,), lambda x: init, name, dtype)
[docs]def copy(tensor, name=None, dtype=None):
"""A syntactic sugar for copying an existing tensor.
tensor : Tensor or list or numpy.ndarray
The tensor to be copied from
name : str, optional
The name of the returned tensor
.. code-block:: python
# example 1 - copy from a HeteroCL tensor
A = hcl.placeholder((10,), "A", hcl.UInt(32))
B1 = hcl.copy(A, "B1")
# example 2 - copy from a Python list
pA = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
# The data type is NOT inferred from the list
B2 = hcl.copy(pA, "B2", hcl.Int())
# example 3 - copy from a Numpy array
nA = numpy.array(pA)
# The data type is determined by using nA.dtype
B3 = hcl.copy(nA, "B3")
name = get_name("copy", name)
if isinstance(tensor, Tensor):
return compute(
lambda *args: tensor[args],
elif isinstance(tensor, (list, np.ndarray)):
if isinstance(tensor, np.ndarray):
shape = tensor.shape
_tensor = tensor = tensor.tolist()
_tensor = tensor
shape = []
while isinstance(_tensor, list):
_tensor = _tensor[0]
shape = tuple(shape)
def _iter_tensor(_tensor, tensor, indices, buffer_var):
if isinstance(tensor, list):
for x in range(0, len(tensor)):
_iter_tensor(_tensor, tensor[x],
indices, buffer_var)
index, _, _ = get_index(shape, indices, 0)
_make.Cast(stage._dtype, tensor),
with Stage(name, dtype, shape) as stage:
_tensor = Tensor(shape, stage._dtype, name, stage._buf)
_iter_tensor(_tensor, tensor, [], _tensor._buf.data)
for t in stage.lhs_tensors:
t.last_update = stage
_tensor._tensor = stage._op
return _tensor
raise APIError("Unkown tensor type. Should be either HeteroCL tensor, \
Python list, or Numpy array.")
[docs]def unpack(tensor, axis=0, factor=None, name=None, dtype=None):
"""Unpack a tensor with larger bitwidth to a tensor with smaller bitwidth.
This API unpacks the `axis`-th dimension of `tensor` to a new tensor
according to the given `factor` or `dtype`. The number of dimensions stays
the same after unpacking. Once `factor` is specified, `dtype` is not taken
into consideration. If `factor` is not specified, users can have several
ways to specify `dtype`. First, we use the data type specified by
the quantization scheme. Second, if `dtype` is specified, we use the value.
Finally, we use the data type specified via the :obj:`heterocl.init` API.
Since we are performing an unpacking operation, the number of resulting
elements should be larger then that of the elements in the input tensor.
Namely, *the factor should be greater or equal to 1*.
tensor : Tensor
The tensor to be unpacked
axis : int, optional
The dimension to be unpacked
factor : int, optional
The unpack factor
name : str, optional
The name of the unpacked tensor
dtype : Type, optional
The data type of the **unpacked tensor**
.. code-block:: python
# example 1.1 - unpack with factor
A = hcl.placeholder((10,), "A", hcl.UInt(32))
B = hcl.unpack(A, factor=4)
print B.shape # (40,)
print B.dtype # "uint8"
# example 1.2 - unpack with dtype
A = hcl.placeholder((10,), "A", hcl.UInt(32))
B = hcl.unpack(A, dtype=hcl.UInt(8))
# the results are the same as example 1.1
# example 1.3 - unpack with quantization scheme
A = hcl.placeholder((10,), "A", hcl.UInt(32))
def unpack_A(A):
return hcl.unpack(A, name="B")
s = hcl.create_scheme(A, unpack_A)
s.downsize(unpack_A.B, hcl.UInt(8))
# the results are the same as example 1.1
# example 2 - unpack multi-dimensional tensor
A = hcl.placeholder((10, 10), "A", hcl.UInt(32))
B = hcl.unpack(A, factor=4) # B.shape = (40, 10)
C = hcl.unpack(A, axis=1, factor=4) # C.shape = (10, 40)
name = get_name("unpack", name)
# derive the final factor and dtype
if factor is None:
# if factor is not given, we need to check the quantization scheme
# to do so, we will need the name
name_ = name if Stage.get_len() == 0 \
else Stage.get_current().name_with_prefix + "." + name
dtype = get_tvm_dtype(dtype, name_)
ret = get_type(dtype)
factor = tensor.type.bits // ret[1]
bitwidth = ret[1]
ret = get_type(tensor.dtype)
bitwidth = ret[1] // factor
dtype = ret[0] + str(bitwidth)
# derive the new shape
ndim = len(tensor.shape)
if axis > ndim:
raise APIError("The unpack dimension exceeds the number of dimensions")
new_shape = []
for i in range(0, ndim):
if i == axis:
new_shape.append(tensor.shape[i] * factor)
# derive the output tensor
def assign_val(*indices):
temp = scalar(0, name+"_temp", dtype)
new_indices = []
for i in range(0, ndim):
if i == axis:
new_indices.append(indices[i] // factor)
index = indices[axis]
lower = (index%factor) * bitwidth
upper = lower + bitwidth
temp[0][bitwidth:0] = tensor[tuple(new_indices)][upper:lower]
return temp[0]
return compute(tuple(new_shape), assign_val, name, dtype)
[docs]def pack(tensor, axis=0, factor=None, name=None, dtype=None):
"""Pack a tensor with smaller bitwidth to a tensor with larger bitwidth.
This API packs the `axis`-th dimension of `tensor` to a new tensor
according to the given `factor` or `dtype`. The usage is the same as
tensor : Tensor
The tensor to be packed
axis : int, optional
The dimension to be packed
factor : int, optional
The pack factor
name : str, optional
The name of the packed tensor
dtype : Type, optional
The data type of the **packed tensor**
name = get_name("pack", name)
# derive the final factor and dtype
if factor is None:
# if factor is not given, we need to check the quantization scheme
# to do so, we will need the name
name_ = name if Stage.get_len() == 0 \
else Stage.get_current().name_with_prefix + "." + name
dtype = get_tvm_dtype(dtype, name_)
ret = get_type(dtype)
factor = ret[1] // tensor.type.bits
bitwidth = tensor.type.bits
ret = get_type(tensor.dtype)
bitwidth = ret[1]
dtype = ret[0] + str(bitwidth * factor)
# derive the new shape
ndim = len(tensor.shape)
if axis > ndim:
raise APIError("The pack dimension exceeds the number of dimensions")
new_shape = []
for i in range(0, ndim):
if i == axis:
new_shape.append(tensor.shape[i] // factor)
# derive the packed tensor
def assign_val(*indices):
temp = scalar(0, name+"_temp", dtype)
with for_(0, factor) as i:
new_indices = []
for j in range(0, ndim):
if j == axis:
temp[0][bitwidth*(i+1) : bitwidth*i] = tensor[tuple(new_indices)]
return temp[0]
return compute(tuple(new_shape), assign_val, name, dtype)
[docs]def reduce_axis(lower, upper, name=None):
"""Create a reduction axis for reduction operations.
The upper- and lower-bound of the range can be arbitrary integers. However,
the upper-bound should be greater than the lower-bound.
lower : Expr
The lower-bound of the reduction domain
upper : Expr
The upper-bound of the reduction domain
name : str, optional
The name of the reduction axis
# check the correctness
if upper <= lower:
raise APIError("The upper-bound should be greater then the lower-bound")
name = get_name("ra", name)
return _IterVar((lower, upper), name, 2)
[docs]def reducer(init, freduce, dtype="int32", name=None):
"""Create a reducer for a reduction operation.
This API creates a reducer according to the initial value `init` and the
reduction function `freduce`. The initial value can be either an
expression or a tensor. With the reducer, users can create a reduction
operation, where the users can further specify the input to be reduced
`expr`, its axis `axis`, and the condition `where`. The general rule of
the reduction operation is shown below. Note that for the reduction
function, **the first argument is the input while the second argument
is the accumulator**. Moreover, if the accumulator is an expression,
the reduction function **should return an expression**. On the other hand,
if the accumulator is a list or a tensor, the reduction function **should
not return anything**.
.. code-block:: python
# this can be a tensor
output = init
# the specified reduction axis
for i in reduction_domain:
if (where):
output = freduce(input[..., i, ...], output)
Users can further specify the data type for the reduction operation. For
a multi-dimensional reduction operation, users can have multiple reduce
axes. In this case, we can write them together in a list.
init : Expr or Tensor
The initial value of the accumulator
freduce : callable
The reduction function that takes in two arguments. The first argument
is the new input value and the second argument is the accumulator
dtype : Type, optional
The data type of the accumulator
name : str, optional
The name of the generated reducer
See Also
sum, max
.. code-block:: python
# example 1.1 - basic reduction : summation
my_sum = hcl.reducer(0, lambda x, y: x+y)
A = hcl.placeholder((10,))
r = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 10)
B = hcl.compute((1,), lambda x: my_sum(A[r], axis=r))
# equivalent code
B[0] = 0
for r in (0, 10):
B[0] = A[r] + B[0]
# example 1.2 - with condition
B = hcl.compute((1,), lambda x: my_sum(A[r], axis=r, where=A[r]>5))
# equivalent code
B[0] = 0
for r in (0, 10):
if A[r] > 5:
B[0] = A[r] + B[0]
# example 1.3 - with data type specification
B = hcl.compute((1,), lambda x: my_sum(A[r], axis=r, dtype=hcl.UInt(4)))
# the output will be downsize to UInt(4)
# example 2 = a more complicated reduction
# x is the input, y is the accumulator
def my_reduction(x, y):
with hcl.if_(x > 5):
hcl.return_(y + x)
with hcl.else_():
hcl.return_(y - x)
my_sum = hcl.reducer(0, my_reduction)
A = hcl.placeholder((10,))
r = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 10)
B = hcl.compute((1,), lambda x: my_sum(A[r], axis=r))
# equivalent code
B[0] = 0
for r in range(0, 10):
if A[r] > 5:
B[0] = B[0] + A[r]
B[0] = B[0] - A[r]
# example 3 - multiple reduce axes
A = hcl.placeholder((10, 10))
r1 = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 10)
r2 = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 10)
B = hcl.compute((1,), lambda x: my_sum(A[r1, r2], axis=[r1, r2]))
# equivalent code
B[0] = 0
for r1 in (0, 10):
for r2 in (0, 10):
B[0] = A[r1, r2] + B[0]
# example 4 - write a sorting algorithm with reduction
init = hcl.compute((10,), lambda x: 11)
def freduce(x, Y):
with hcl.for_(0, 10) as i:
with hcl.if_(x < Y[i]):
with hcl.for_(9, i, -1) as j:
Y[j] = Y[j-1]
Y[i] = x
my_sort = hcl.reducer(init, freduce)
A = hcl.placeholder((10, 10))
r = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 10)
# note that we need to use the underscore the mark the reduction axis
B = hcl.compute(A.shape, lambda _x, y: my_sort(A[r, y], axis=r))
def make_reduce(expr, axis, where=True, name=name, dtype=dtype):
if not isinstance(axis, (tuple, list)):
axis = [axis]
stage = Stage.get_current()
out = None
name = get_name("reducer", name)
# the accumulator is an expression
if isinstance(init, (_expr.Expr, numbers.Number, Scalar)):
out = scalar(init, name, dtype)
def reduce_body():
with if_(where):
ret = freduce(expr, out[0])
if ret is None:
stmt = stage.pop_stmt()
stmt = ReplaceReturn(out._buf.data, out.dtype, 0).mutate(stmt)
if not isinstance(ret, (_expr.Expr, numbers.Number, Scalar)):
raise APIError("The returned type of the \
reduction function should be an expression")
out[0] = ret
stmt = stage.pop_stmt()
return out[0]
ret = reduce_body()
# the accumulator is a tensor
out = copy(init, name)
def reduce_body():
with if_(where):
freduce(expr, out)
return out
ret = reduce_body()
body = stage.pop_stmt()
body = make_for(axis, body, 0)
stage.axis_list += axis
return ret
doc_str = """Compute the {0} of the given expression on axis.
expr : Expr
The expression to be reduced
axis : IterVar
The axis to be reduced
where : Expr, optional
The filtering condition for the reduction
name : str, optional
The name of the accumulator
dtype : Type, optional
The data type of the accumulator
See Also
make_reduce.__doc__ = doc_str.format(name)
return make_reduce
sum = reducer(0, lambda x, y: x + y, name="sum")
max = reducer(min_value("float"), _make.Max, name="max")