Source code for heterocl.dsl

"""HeteroCL imperative DSL."""
#pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,missing-docstring
from .tvm import make as _make
from .tvm import stmt as _stmt
from .tvm import ir_pass as _pass
from .tvm._api_internal import _IterVar, _Var
from .tvm.ir_builder import WithScope
from .api import placeholder
from .debug import DSLError, APIError
from .schedule import Stage
from .module import Module
from . import util

[docs]def and_(*args): """Compute the logic AND between expressions. If there is only one argument, itself is returned. Parameters ---------- args : list of Expr A list of expression to be computed Returns ------- Expr Examples -------- .. code-block:: python A = hcl.placeholder((3,)) cond = hcl.and_(A[0] > 0, A[1] > 1, A[2] > 2) """ ret = args[0] for i in range(1, len(args)): ret = _make.And(ret, args[i]) return ret
[docs]def or_(*args): """Compute the logic OR between expressions. If there is only one argument, itself is returned. Parameters ---------- args : list of Expr A list of expression to be computed Returns ------- Expr Examples -------- .. code-block:: python A = hcl.placeholder((3,)) cond = hcl.or_(A[0] > 0, A[1] > 1, A[2] > 2) """ ret = args[0] for i in range(1, len(args)): ret = _make.Or(ret, args[i]) return ret
[docs]def if_(cond): """Construct an IF branch. The usage is the same as Python `if` statement. Namely, a single `if` statement without the `else` branch is allowed. In addition, we cannot use `else` and `elif` without an `if` statement. Finally, an `else` statement must be preceded by either an `if` or `elif` statement. Parameters ---------- cond : Expr The condition of the `if` statement Returns ------- None Examples -------- .. code-block:: python def my_compute(x): with hcl.if_(A[x] < 3): # do something with hcl.elif_(A[x] < 6): # do something with hcl.else_(): # do something """ if not Stage.get_len(): raise DSLError("Imperative DSL must be used with other compute APIs") stage = Stage.get_current() stage.stmt_stack.append([]) def _exit_cb(): stmt = stage.pop_stmt() stage.has_break = False stage.emit(_make.IfThenElse(cond, stmt, None)) return WithScope(None, _exit_cb)
[docs]def else_(): """Construct an ELSE branch. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- None See Also -------- if_ """ if not Stage.get_len(): raise DSLError("Imperative DSL must be used with other compute APIs") stage = Stage.get_current() prev = stage.stmt_stack[-1][-1] if not isinstance(prev, _stmt.IfThenElse): raise DSLError("There is no if_ or elif_ in front of the else_ branch") stage.stmt_stack[-1].pop() stage.stmt_stack.append([]) def _exit_cb(): stmt = stage.pop_stmt() stage.has_break = False stage.emit(stage.replace_else(prev, stmt)) return WithScope(None, _exit_cb)
[docs]def elif_(cond): """Construct an ELIF branch. Parameters ---------- cond : Expr The condition of the branch Returns ------- None See Also -------- if_ """ if not Stage.get_len(): raise DSLError("Imperative DSL must be used with other compute APIs") stage = Stage.get_current() prev = stage.stmt_stack[-1][-1] if not isinstance(prev, _stmt.IfThenElse): raise DSLError("There is no if_ or elif_ in front of the elif_ branch") stage.stmt_stack[-1].pop() stage.stmt_stack.append([]) def _exit_cb(): stmt = stage.pop_stmt() stage.has_break = False stage.emit(stage.replace_else(prev, _make.IfThenElse(cond, stmt, None))) return WithScope(None, _exit_cb)
[docs]def for_(begin, end, step=1, name="i", dtype="int32", for_type="serial"): """Construct a FOR loop. Create an imperative for loop based on the given bound and step. It is the same as the following Python code. .. code-block:: python for i in range(begin, end, step): # do something The bound and step can be negative values. In addition, `begin` is inclusive while `end` is exclusive. Parameters ---------- begin : Expr The starting bound of the loop end : Expr The ending bound of the loop step : Expr, optional The step of the loop name : str, optional The name of the iteration variable dtype : Type, optional The data type of the iteration variable for_type : str, optional The type of the for loop Returns ------- Var The iteration variable See Also -------- break_ Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # example 1 - basic usage with hcl.for_(0, 5) as i: # i = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] # example 2 - negative step with hcl.for_(5, 0, -1) as i: # i = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] # example 3 - larger step with hcl.for_(0, 5, 2) as i: # i = [0, 2, 4] # example 4 - arbitrary bound with hcl.for_(-4, -8, -2) as i: # i = [-4, -6] """ if not Stage.get_len(): raise DSLError("Imperative DSL must be used with other compute APIs") stage = Stage.get_current() stage.stmt_stack.append([]) extent = (end - begin) // step extent = util.CastRemover().mutate(extent) name = "i"+str(stage.for_ID) if name is None else name stage.for_ID += 1 iter_var = _IterVar(_make.range_by_min_extent(0, extent), _Var(name, dtype), 0, '') stage.var_dict[name] = iter_var stage.axis_list.append(iter_var) stage.for_level += 1 def _exit_cb(): if for_type == "serial": for_type_id = 0 elif for_type == "parallel": for_type_id = 1 elif for_type == "vectorize": for_type_id = 2 elif for_type == "unroll": for_type_id = 3 else: raise ValueError("Unknown for_type") stmt = _make.AttrStmt(iter_var, "loop_scope", iter_var.var, stage.pop_stmt()) stage.has_break = False stage.for_level -= 1 stage.emit(_make.For(iter_var.var, 0, extent, for_type_id, 0, stmt)) ret_var = _pass.Simplify(iter_var.var * step + begin) return WithScope(ret_var, _exit_cb)
[docs]def while_(cond): """Construct a WHILE loop. Parameters ---------- cond : Expr The condition of the loop Returns ------- None See Also -------- break_ Examples -------- .. code-block:: python with hcl.while_(A[x] > 5): # do something """ if not Stage.get_len(): raise DSLError("Imperative DSL must be used with other compute APIs") stage = Stage.get_current() stage.stmt_stack.append([]) stage.for_level += 1 def _exit_cb(): stmt = stage.pop_stmt() stage.has_break = False stage.for_level -= 1 stage.emit(_make.While(cond, stmt)) return WithScope(None, _exit_cb)
[docs]def break_(): """ Construct a BREAK statement. This DSL can only be used inside a `while` loop or a `for loop`. Moreover, it is not allowed to have tracing statements after the `break`. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- None Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # example 1 - inside a for loop with hcl.for_(0, 5) as i: with hcl.if_(A[i] > 5): hcl.break_() # example 2 - inside a while loop with hcl.while_(A[i] > 5): with hcl.if_(A[i] > 10): hcl.break_() """ if not Stage.get_len(): raise DSLError("Imperative DSL must be used with other compute APIs") if not Stage.get_current().for_level: raise DSLError("break_ must be used inside a for/while loop") Stage.get_current().emit(_make.Break()) Stage.get_current().has_break = True
[docs]def def_(shapes, dtypes=None, ret_dtype=None, name=None, arg_names=None): """ Define a HeteroCL function from a Python function. This DSL is used as a Python decorator. The function defined with HeteroCL is not inlined by default. Users need to provide the shapes of the arguments, while the data types of the arguments and the returned data type are optional. This DSL helps make the algorithm more organized and could potentially reduce the memory usage by reusing the same functionality. Users can later on use compute primitives to decide whether to inline these functions or not. After specifying a Python function to be a HeteroCL function, users can use the function just like using a Python function. We can also apply optimization primitives. Parameters ---------- shapes : list of tuple The shapes of the arguments dtypes : list of Type, optional The data types of the argument ret_dtype : Type, optional The data type of the returned value name : str, optional The name of the function. By default, it is the same as the Python function Returns ------- None Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # example 1 - no return A = hcl.placeholder((10,)) B = hcl.placeholder((10,)) x = hcl.placeholder(()) @hcl.def_([A.shape, B.shape, x.shape]) def update_B(A, B, x): with hcl.for_(0, 10) as i: B[i] = A[i] + x # directly call the function update_B(A, B, x) # example 2 - with return value @hcl.def_([(10,), (10,), ()]) def ret_add(A, B, x): hcl.return_(A[x] + B[x]) # use inside a compute API A = hcl.placeholder((10,)) B = hcl.placeholder((10,)) C = hcl.compute((10,), lambda x: ret_add(A, B, x)) D = hcl.compute((10,), lambda x: ret_add(A, C, x)) """ def decorator(fmodule, shapes=shapes, dtypes=dtypes, ret_dtype=ret_dtype, name=name, arg_names=arg_names): name = name if name is not None else fmodule.__name__ code = fmodule.__code__ names = code.co_varnames if arg_names is not None: names = list(names) for i in range(len(arg_names)): names[i] = arg_names[i] names = tuple(names) nargs = code.co_argcount with Stage(name) as s: # prepare names new_names = [s.name_with_prefix + "." + name_ for name_ in names] # prepare dtypes hcl_dtypes = [] if dtypes is None: dtypes = [] for name_ in new_names: dtypes.append(util.get_tvm_dtype(None, name_)) hcl_dtypes.append(util.get_dtype(None, name_)) elif isinstance(dtypes, list): if len(dtypes) != nargs: raise APIError("The number of data types does not match the of arguments") for (name_, dtype_) in zip(new_names, dtypes): dtypes.append(util.get_tvm_dtype(dtype_, name_)) hcl_dtypes.append(util.get_dtype(dtype_, name_)) dtypes = dtypes[int(len(dtypes)/2):] else: dtype = util.get_tvm_dtype(dtypes) dtypes = [] for name_ in new_names: dtypes.append(util.get_tvm_dtype(dtype, name_)) ret_dtype = util.get_tvm_dtype(ret_dtype, s.name_with_prefix) # prepare inputs for IR generation inputs = [] inputs_tvm = [] arg_shapes, arg_dtypes, arg_tensors = [], [], [] for shape, name_, dtype, htype in zip(shapes, new_names, dtypes, hcl_dtypes): if shape == (): var_ = placeholder((), name_, dtype) inputs.append(var_) inputs_tvm.append(var_.var) arg_shapes.append([1]) arg_dtypes.append(dtype) else: # tensor inputs (new bufs) placeholder_ = placeholder(shape, name_, htype) inputs.append(placeholder_) inputs_tvm.append( arg_shapes.append(list(shape)) arg_dtypes.append(dtype) arg_tensors.append(placeholder_.op) s.ret_dtype = ret_dtype s._module = True s._inputs = inputs fmodule(*inputs) lhs = [] for tensor in s.lhs_tensors: try: lhs.append(inputs.index(tensor)) except ValueError: pass ret_void = _make.UIntImm("uint1", 0) if s.has_return else _make.UIntImm("uint1", 1) body = s.pop_stmt() s.stmt_stack.append([]) s.emit(_make.KernelDef(inputs_tvm, arg_shapes, arg_dtypes, arg_tensors, body, ret_void, ret_dtype, name, [])) for name_, i in zip(names, inputs): s.var_dict[name_] = i s.input_stages.clear() return Module(shapes, names, name, not s.has_return, lhs, ret_dtype) return decorator
[docs]def return_(val): """Return an expression within a function. This DSL should be used within a function definition. The return type can only be an expression. Parameters ---------- val : Expr The returned expression Returns ------- None See Also -------- heterocl.compute, def_ Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # example 1 - using with a compute API A = hcl.placeholder((10,)) def compute_out(x): with hcl.if_(A[x]>0): hcl.return_(1) with hcl.else_(): hcl.return_(0) B = hcl.compute(A.shape, compute_out) # example 2 - using with a HeteroCL function A = hcl.placeholder((10,)) @hcl.def_([A.shape, ()]) def compute_out(A, x): with hcl.if_(A[x]>0): hcl.return_(1) with hcl.else_(): hcl.return_(0) B = hcl.compute(A.shape, lambda x: compute_out(A, x)) """ if not Stage.get_len(): raise DSLError("Imperative DSL must be used with other compute APIs") stage = Stage.get_current() dtype = util.get_tvm_dtype(stage.ret_dtype) stage.emit(_make.Return(_make.Cast(dtype, val))) stage.has_return = True