Source code for heterocl.scheme

"""Quantization scheme."""
#pylint: disable=missing-docstring
from . import types
from .debug import APIError

[docs]class Scheme(object): """A quantization scheme. To create a scheme, use ``heterocl.create_scheme``. A scheme has two methods: one is to downsize tensors to integer type and the other is to quantize tensors to non-integer type. The scheme should only be created by the API. Users should not directly call the constructor. Parameters ---------- inputs : list of Tensor A list of input tensors to the scheme func : callable The algorithm definition Attributes ---------- inputs : list of Tensor A list of input tensors to the scheme func : callable The algorithm definition dtype_dict : dict(str, Type) A dictionary that maps between a name and its data type See Also -------- heterocl.create_scheme Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # example 1 - downsize hcl.init(hcl.Int(32)) A = hcl.placeholder((10,)) def kernel(A): return hcl.compute(A.shape, lambda x: A[x]+1, "B") s = hcl.create_scheme(A, kernel) # downsize tensor B to a 4-bit unsigned integer s.downsize(kernel.B, hcl.UInt(4)) # example 1 - quantize hcl.init(hcl.Float()) A = hcl.placeholder((10,)) def kernel(A): return hcl.compute(A.shape, lambda x: A[x]+1, "B") s = hcl.create_scheme(A, kernel) # quantize tensor B to a 4-bit unsigned fixed point s.quantize(kernel.B, hcl.Fixed(4, 2)) """ current = None """The current scheme.""" def __init__(self, inputs, func): self.inputs = inputs self.func = func self.dtype_dict = {}
[docs] def downsize(self, inputs, dtype): """Downsize a (list of) tensor to the specified integer type. Parameters ---------- inputs : Tensor of list of Tensor The tensor(s) to be downsized dtype : Type The target data type """ if not isinstance(dtype, (types.Int, types.UInt)): raise APIError("Downsize to non-integer type is not allowed") if not isinstance(inputs, list): inputs = [inputs] for i in inputs: try: self._set_dtype(i.name_with_prefix, dtype) except AttributeError: self._set_dtype(, dtype)
[docs] def quantize(self, inputs, dtype): """Quantize a (list of) tensor to the specified fixed-point type. Parameters ---------- inputs : Tensor of list of Tensor The tensor(s) to be quantized dtype : Type The target data type """ if not isinstance(dtype, (types.Fixed, types.UFixed)): raise APIError("Quantize to integer type is not allowed") if not isinstance(inputs, list): inputs = [inputs] for i in inputs: try: self._set_dtype(i.name_with_prefix, dtype) except AttributeError: self._set_dtype(, dtype)
def _set_dtype(self, name, dtype): self.dtype_dict[name] = dtype