"""Functions defined in TVM."""
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,unused-import,redefined-builtin
from __future__ import absolute_import as _abs
from numbers import Integral as _Integral
from ._ffi.base import string_types
from ._ffi.node import register_node, NodeBase
from ._ffi.node import convert_to_node as _convert_to_node
from ._ffi.function import Function
from ._ffi.function import _init_api, register_func, get_global_func, extract_ext_funcs
from ._ffi.function import convert_to_tvm_func as _convert_tvm_func
from ._ffi.runtime_ctypes import TVMType
from . import _api_internal
from . import make as _make
from . import expr as _expr
from . import tensor as _tensor
from . import schedule as _schedule
from . import container as _container
from . import tag as _tag
int8 = "int8"
int32 = "int32"
float32 = "float32"
handle = "handle"
[docs]def min_value(dtype):
"""minimum value of dtype"""
return _api_internal._min_value(dtype)
[docs]def max_value(dtype):
"""maximum value of dtype"""
return _api_internal._max_value(dtype)
[docs]def const(value, dtype=None):
"""construct a constant"""
if dtype is None:
if isinstance(value, _Integral):
dtype = 'int32'
dtype = 'float32'
return _api_internal._const(value, dtype)
[docs]def convert(value):
"""Convert value to TVM node or function.
value : python value
tvm_val : Node or Function
Converted value in TVM
if isinstance(value, (Function, NodeBase)):
return value
if callable(value):
return _convert_tvm_func(value)
return _convert_to_node(value)
[docs]def load_json(json_str):
"""Load tvm object from json_str.
json_str : str
The json string
node : Node
The loaded tvm node.
return _api_internal._load_json(json_str)
[docs]def save_json(node):
"""Load tvm object as json string.
node : Node
A TVM Node object to be saved.
json_str : str
Saved json string.
return _api_internal._save_json(node)
[docs]def any(*args):
"""Create a new experssion of the union of all conditions in the arguments
args : list
List of symbolic boolean expressions
expr: Expr
if not args:
raise ValueError("Any must take at least 1 argument")
if len(args) == 1:
return args[0]
ret = _make.Or(args[0], args[1])
for i in range(2, len(args)):
ret = _make.Or(ret, args[i])
return ret
[docs]def all(*args):
"""Create a new experssion of the intersection of all conditions in the
args : list
List of symbolic boolean expressions
expr: Expr
if not args:
raise ValueError("Any must take at least 1 argument")
if len(args) == 1:
return args[0]
ret = _make.And(args[0], args[1])
for i in range(2, len(args)):
ret = _make.And(ret, args[i])
return ret
[docs]def decl_buffer(shape,
"""Decleare a new symbolic buffer.
Normally buffer is created automatically during lower and build.
This is only needed if user want to specify their own buffer layout.
See the note below for detailed discussion on usage of buffer.
shape : tuple of Expr
The shape of the buffer.
dtype : str, optional
The data type of the buffer.
name : str, optional
The name of the buffer.
data : Var, optional
The data pointer in the buffer.
strides: array of Expr
The stride of the buffer.
elem_offset: Expr, optional
The beginning offset of the array to data.
In terms of number of elements of dtype.
scope: str, optional
The storage scope of the buffer, if not global.
If scope equals empty string, it means it is global memory.
data_alignment: int, optional
The alignment of data pointer in bytes.
If -1 is passed, the alignment will be set to TVM's internal default.
offset_factor: int, optional
The factor of elem_offset field, when set,
elem_offset is required to be multiple of offset_factor.
If 0 is pssed, the alignment will be set to 1.
if non-zero is passed, we will created a Var for elem_offset if elem_offset is not None.
buffer : Buffer
The created buffer
Buffer data structure reflects the DLTensor structure in dlpack.
While DLTensor data structure is very general, it is usually helpful
to create function that only handles specific case of data structure
and make compiled function benefit from it.
If user pass strides and elem_offset is passed as None
when constructing the function, then the function will be specialized
for the DLTensor that is compact and aligned.
If user pass a fully generic symbolic array to the strides,
then the resulting function becomes fully generic.
shape = (shape,) if isinstance(shape, (_expr.Expr, _Integral)) else shape
dtype = float32 if dtype is None else dtype
strides = () if strides is None else strides
if offset_factor != 0 and elem_offset is None:
elem_offset = _api_internal._Var('%s_elem_offset' % name, shape[0].dtype)
if data is None:
data = _api_internal._Var(name, "handle")
return _api_internal._Buffer(
data, dtype, shape, strides, elem_offset, name, scope,
data_alignment, offset_factor)
def _IterVar(dom, name, iter_type, thread_tag=''):
"""Internal function to create IterVar
dom : Range
The domain of iteration.
name : str
The name of iteration variable.
iter_type : int
The type of iteration.
thread_tag : str
The thread tag of the iteration variable.
iter_var : IterVar
The result itervar
if dom is not None:
if isinstance(dom, (list, tuple)):
if len(dom) != 2:
raise TypeError("need to be list of ranges")
dom = Range(dom[0], dom[1])
if not isinstance(dom, _container.Range):
raise TypeError("dom need to be Range")
name = name if name else 'iter'
v = _api_internal._Var(name, "int32")
return _api_internal._IterVar(dom, v, iter_type, thread_tag)
[docs]def select(cond, t, f):
"""Construct a select branch
cond : Expr
The condition
t : Expr
The result expression if cond is true.
f : Expr
The result expression if cond is false.
node : Node
The tvm.expr.Select node
return _make.Select(convert(cond), convert(t), convert(f))