Insrall from Pre-built Images

With this method, you can easily deploy and try out HeteroCL. However, to use the latest features and patches, please install from source.

Install with Conda

First install conda (Anaconda or miniconda) and create an empty virtual environment. It is recommended to install HeteroCL in a new conda env without any other pre-installed packages to avoid potential conflicts.

conda create --name hcl-env
conda activate hcl-env

After activating the conda environment, you can install the pre-built heterocl library and python packages.

conda install -c cornell-zhang heterocl -c conda-forge

Install with Docker

First make sure docker service is activated on your system by running the hello-world docker image example.

docker run hello-world

Then pull back the docker image from DockerHub, and run it using interactive mode. Conda virtual env is pre-installed in the docker image. After activating the conda env, you can use the HeteroCL package.

docker pull hecmay/heterocl:0.3
docker run -it hecmay/heterocl:0.3 bash

source /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/
conda activate py36