Build and Install from Source

To build and install HeteroCL from source, please follow the following steps.

  1. Create a virtual environment with conda (e.g., Anaconda or miniconda)

  2. Download the source code from GitHub. For developers, please fork from the repo instead.

git clone
  1. (Optional) Specify the CMake and/or LLVM path in Makefile.config. For instance

# set your own path to llvm-config
LLVM_CONFIG = /path/to/llvm-config
  1. Run make to build and install HeteroCL

make -j8

For Developers

  1. Set the environment variable PYTHONPATH to reflect the modifications of Python files

export PYTHONPATH=$HCL_HOME/python:$HCL_HOME/hlib/python
  1. Run make under tvm to reflect the modification of C source files

make -C tvm